Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bible Prophecy IS Being Fulfilled, Do You Care?

   There are things going on in this world that are not common to any other age in the history of earth, other than the time when Jesus was here walking among us. Bible prophecies are being fulfilled at an alarming rate!
    Now, an alarm can serve as a warning, or a reminder that it is time to wake up! When you are packed and waiting for the day of your exiting vacation, or your wedding, or some other joyous event in your life- you hear the alarm and jump right out of bed eager to begin the day! But when you are going through the motions, uninterested, even dead to the senses of life, the alarm brings anger and usually it gets switched off, or put on 'snooze.' But eventually, it will sound again. One of those times it will be too late, if you have somewhere to go you will have put it off too long and missed it.
    Let me suggest that if you have the latter attitude toward the idea of Bible prophecy being fulfilled and the knowledge that Jesus Christ will be returning for His true followers very soon, you are spiritually dead. The Bible tells of MANY people who had a form of spirituality, religious works to do, attending temples and doing many good deeds. But Jesus Christ warned them "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead [men's] bones, and of all uncleanness." Wow.
   Many people do not know what prophecy is:

  • proph·e·cy [prof-uh-see] –noun, plural -cies.

1. the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.
2. something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.

 Or how accurate and specific the prophecies of the Bible truly are! Here is a site that has detailed information about 100 fulfilled Bible prophecies! Read these and know without a doubt that the Holy Bible is GOD's WORD!

100 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies

"Remember the former things of old: for I [am] God, and [there is] none else; [I am] God, and [there is] none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isaiah 46:9-10

So, knowing what Bible prophecy is, and that it is more accurate and reliable than a public school history book, why would you not want to know what God will do in the future? Many exciting things are happening that are setting the stage before our very eyes for the fulfillment of Bible prophecies.

Some of the important and very noticeable events are as follows:

  • The restoration of the nation of Israel.
  • The regathering of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.
  • Enemies of Israel surrounding them and vowing to wipe them off the map forever.
  • Military alliance between Russia and Iran.
  • Catastrophic earthquakes in diverse places, (and the ability to hear about them from the other side of the world.)
  • Strange and violent weather patterns.
  • Fasle brand of unbiblical Christianity spreading throughout the world, deceiving many people.
  • Rise of hate, evil, violence, homosexuality, sexual sins, and murder in the world; (as in the days of Noah.)
  • Extreme efforts being made to lay the foundation of a "one world government" or a "new world order."
  • Purposeful manipulation of global economic events with the goal of creating a "one world currency."
  • Rise in violent persecution of true Bible believing Christians. 
  • Commitment to divide the Holy covenant land of Israel, including Jerusalem.
    And this month we have learned that Israel has made a huge discovery of OIL in their land!


    This is a crucial development in world events that will set the stage for a future war that is prophesied in the Bible,  in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39. But, unfortunately, another war prophecy may be fulfilled first, that of Psalm 83, and possibly the book of Obadiah.
    These prophecies speak of Israel's enemies coming to destroy them as a people. Never before has there been so much hatred for Israel than right now; especially within the Islamic culture. Their stated goal is the destruction of Israel. All of the 'revolution' in the 'arab' countries are setting the stage for this hate to boil over. The Muslim Brotherhood, if in control, will carry out their vows to make war upon Israel. They will try, but they will FAIL! It is written.
    We also have learned that in September, 'President Obama' is pushing for U.N. action to promote the division of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem Post article

    The last time an American president pressured Israel to divide land and give it away to their enemies for no reason, (their enemies do not want peace, they want the Jews dead and gone,) it looked like Hurricane Katrina.

Did God send Katrina as Judgement for Gaza?

   Barack Hussein Obama has already abandoned Israel, told them they can't build in their capital city, traveled around the globe giving speeches to promote the religion that calls for their destruction. If he messes with Israel any further, as Mr. T. used to say; I pity the fool. And I fear for our once great nation. God will judge us as we judge them.
"For the day of the LORD [is] near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head." Obadiah 1:15
    It is my prayer that America would repent and help it's ally, Israel. Otherwise we could see the worst disaster in America's history; the New Madrid fault line split; mother of all earthquakes. It could split us in two,"literally" (as Joe Biden likes to say.) it would submerge the midwest, possibly killing millions. We are not immune from the scenes of China, Haiti, New Zealand, or Japan. The U.S. Government will be conducting drills in the event of this catastrophe this May. They are preparing.

FEMA Still has New Madrid Fault Line Action Plans

New Madrid fault earthquake zone coming-to-life?

How loud does your alarm need to be? Wake up, smell the coffee, and get right with God. If you are not saved born again believer in Christ; please read my previous post about Salvation and ask God to reveal His Truth to you TODAY!

"Behold, I come quickly." - Jesus Christ, Revelation 3:11, 22:7, 22:12